• 295023, Republic of Crimea, Simferopol city,Nosenko street, house 10
  • +7 (495)-208-1685 +7(926)504-8040


The company LLC NEFTEGAZBEZOPASNOST Refinery was registered on April 8, 2014 at the address 295023, Republic of Crimea, Simferopol city,Nosenko street, house 10 Company was assigned OGRN 1142312003240 and the INN 2312213135. The main activity is crude oil production, LLC NEFTEGAZBEZOPASNOST Refinery move from a medium-sized, locally based business to a market leader in Russia’s oil industry. LLC NEFTEGAZBEZOPASNOST Refinery has consolidated its place among Russia’s top domestic oil producers, with extensive and modern refining capacity, and a well-developed and efficient sales network. The company’s most recent strategic goal is to become a global oil-industry benchmark in safety, technological advancement and efficiency.


Formation of the authorized capital of the formed jLLC NEFTEGAZBEZOPASNOST Refinery. The company entered the top one of the world leaders in oil production. Establishment of open LLC NEFTEGAZBEZOPASNOST Refinery.

- Company Started

At the end of the yearly, the improement of LLC NEFTEGAZBEZOPASNOST Refinery (1.14 million barrels per daily) ranked one of the oil leading production in world after the Shell core and British Oil in the main indicator of the world oil corporations - the level of oil production.

- Improved Company

LLC NEFTEGAZBEZOPASNOST Refinery is one of the Russia's first corporate training center for training personnel to work at offshore oil and gas facilities, opened in variouse region, and comprehensive transport and production base designed for material and technical maintenance of offshore oil and gas production facilities, this imerge us for various award winners.

- Award Win

At LLC NEFTEGAZBEZOPASNOST Refinery transition to production, expansion of the network of service stations all over Russian Federation, and launches production of new generation innovation for production and supply. The contest of social and new cultural projects became the winner of the first national program the best social projects of Russia 100% European petroleum business.

- Open New Office & Operation

At LLC NEFTEGAZBEZOPASNOST Refinery history is more than just the stores we've built, the partnerships we've made and the customers we've served. So much of our history is in the details and began, how we’ve grown and how our leadership has changed the retail industry.

- Timeline

At LLC NEFTEGAZBEZOPASNOST Refinery, we enters the new millennium dedicated to offering customers a seamless oil and gas trading experience, whether they are online, in a store or on a mobile device to commits to serving customers in a changing retail environment, leveraging both associates and technology to make it happen.

- New Millennium